nak cmni[tirah bangkang sekeras-kerasnya.hahaha]

where can i get this legging[glowglowglow],anybody?? :p

rantai bear~~sgt style/cute je[kaki berbalut tu pon kire style ke? :p]

"" finally i realized that im nothing without you ""
pening kan gd..hehe[half mohican,u r the man]

Oh My..
Ash nk try that kinda fashion ke?
ash mmg gile sebb tuh de nak try fesyen2 pelik ni.. ye, saye mmg bantah sekeras2nye pic no 1.. no 2.. no3 dan seterusnye.. kah3... berani buat la.. kite tgk ape jd.. keke
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naz~takla.tirah ni suruh try..pastu die plak xkasik..nasib kulit die putih,kalau x mmg keling dah..hehe
tirah~bantah la sbb selagi ada cinta[lagu ning baizura] terhadap gd,selagi itu fashion sense syg makin beranak harap2 cintaku thdap gd akan pudar..sedeyy~~hehe
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